H2 and e Solutions New Zealand

Clean sustainable electricity, hydrogen & bio-carbon from waste

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Forthcoming projects in South-East Asia will be announced soon.

Long-term waste supply & offtake contracts are now in place. These contracts are to
build multiple large-scale facilities across the USA, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

Hydrogen produced by the H2&e e-Pyrolysis®[3] system is a renewable source of hydrogen to replace natural gas, in hydrogen ready Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT). This transition can be achieved by initially replacing 20% natural gas with hydrogen.

Long-term waste supply & offtake contracts are now in place. These contracts are to build multiple large-scale facilities across the USA, United Kingdom, and Germany.

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Strategic Alliances have been formed with a large international corporation.



[3] : e-Pyro® & e-Pyrolysis – Electrically heated & environmentally clean pyrolysis