H2 and e Solutions New Zealand

Clean sustainable electricity, hydrogen & bio-carbon from waste

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The H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] plant

The H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] plant system is a continuous thermochemical treatment, which can be applied to any organic (carbon-based) product.

It can be applied on pure products as well as mixtures. In this treatment, materials are exposed to high temperature, and in the absence of oxygen goes through chemical and physical separation into different molecules, but does not combust.

The decomposition takes place thanks to the limited thermal stability of chemical bonds of materials, which allows them to be disintegrated by using heat.

Other products can include precursor oil-based product substitutes (for plastics) and where feasible, rare earth and halide recovery.

The H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] system is therefore well aligned with the environmental guidelines drawn by the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards to promote sustainable environmental solutions for waste management.

Attributes of the H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] system are that it can process all plastic types including aluminum-coated and contaminated products.

Organic dyes are chemically decomposed while halides and rare earth components can be collected from the syngas or char outputs.

Contaminates are limited to organic substances, i.e. foods and oils etc. There are no emissions from the pyrolysis chamber.

The H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] system is an advanced evolution of a well-tested European system that has been in use world wide since the early 2000’s.

The H2&e plant is controlled by the latest AI Electronics.

The e-Pyro® [3] plant is a continuous operating process (24/7).

Electricity (generated onsite from syngas) is used to heat and operate the system resulting in high conversion rates ( >95% for some waste streams ) and internal efficiency > 85%. There are no external boilers or furnaces used to supply heat and create air emissions.

The H2&e e-Pyro® [3] plant is a sealed system & has no emissions.

Itemisation of System Inputs & Outputs

Feedstock Waste types

  • Thin film plastics
  • General and soiled plastics
  • Plastic Agricultural Waste, such as Bale wrap & Silage covers – (inc contaminated & soiled)
  • Construction waste Wood (including treated wood)
  • Forestry timber
  • Forest slash

Initially, H2&e chooses to limit our feedstock to two types – plastics of all types, & construction waste wood.

System Output Products

  • Green Hydrogen
  • Electricity
  • Bio-coal – carbon neutral coal replacement, that has an energy value of 21-28 MJ/kg
  • Bio-oils – Plastic pre-cursors
  • Bio-fuels, renewable diesel
  • Syngas – methane & hydrogen
  • Heat

Range of Input feedstock and Outputs products. Not all outputs are possible for some feedstock.

Initially, H2&e choses to limit output to two types, these being electricity & hydrogen.

System Capacity

  • 2t/hour, at a volume of 4m3 per screw
  • 50t/day/per screw
  • Averaged at 2t/hour or approximately 350 tonnes per week at an approximate density of 40%
  • Incrementally scaleable up to 20 screws per module.

To increase feedstock volumes, multiple modules can be connected together in sequence for large applications.

H2& electric e-Pyro® Flow Process

The H2&e BRS [4] e-Pyro® [3] system is a thermochemical treatment, which can be applied to any organic (carbon-based) product. It can be applied on pure products as well as mixtures.

In this treatment, materials are exposed to high temperature, and in the absence of oxygen goes through chemical and physical separation into different molecules, but does not combust. The decomposition takes place thanks to the limited thermal stability of chemical bonds of materials, which allows them to be disintegrated by using heat.

H2&e e-Pyro® Operational System Flow Diagram


[3] : e-Pyro® & e-Pyrolysis – Electrically heated & environmentally clean pyrolysis

[4] : BRS – Biomass Repurposing System